Working towards a fairer music industry

Accessible Employment Guide Launch

In 2021 Route teamed up with independent charity organisation Attitude Is Everything to put together a live streamed launch event for their Accessible Employment Guide live at MOTH Club in Hackney.

The Accessible Employment Guide is part of the new Beyond the Music Programme, a three-year programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund to improve accessibility to the music and live events industries for Deaf and disabled professionals, employees, and volunteers.

Panelists Robin Millar OBE (Chair, Chrysalis Blue Raincoat, Harry Jones (Freelance Festival Accessibility Manager), Jude McArdle (Membership Manager - Association of Independent Music) and Paul Hawkins (Head of Volunteering and Skills Development - Attitude is Everything) discussed the barriers Deaf and disabled professionals faced working in the music industry and provided some excellent insight.

Download the Accessible Employment Guide here.

Live stream produced by LNZRT.